Scott Payne
Visual Artist

'Metehan' is a replica of the guard posts found on the streets of Nicosia. It was recreated from a mixture of photographs of the structure and my memories of the structure, particularly when it came to working out the size of the recreation. It is constructed from wooden posts, corrugated cardboard, white emulsion and filler. The use of these materials has allowed the structure to have a rough texture and feel uninviting to the viewer. This is heightened by the way that the structure is taller than the average viewer and thus seems to loom over them.
The structure was built in relation to another piece 'Agios Dometios', which is also a replica of a guard post from the streets of Nicosia. The two structures differ in the methods of construction and the materials used. This reflects the duality of borders, protection & prevention and offensive & defensive.
The structure was also used to intervene in the studio space. This was done by placing it in a corridor, thus blocking people from walking down it. While the structure was in place, people had to use alternate routes to get around it. However, once it was removed, people continued to use these alternative routes. This mirrored how borders around the world limit the free movement of people, to ensure that they use official entry points into different areas.
Materials: Wooden posts, corrugated cardboard, white emulsion, filler and hinges.
Dimensions: 4" x 4" x 6"5/7"5 (Height)