Scott Payne
Visual Artist

'Agios Dometios' is an abstracted replica of a guard post from the streets of Nicosia. It is constructed out of wooden posts and covered in fabric. The structure is enterable which creates a link to temporary structures created by refugees and other displaced peoples. The structure is also able to have images projected onto it, such as a map of Cyprus. The images are projected back to front, so that they are orientated correctly when viewed from inside. Some of the fabric has the text 'RoC SBA TRNC' printed on it which relates to the three sections of Cyprus, the Republic of Cyprus (RoC), the Sovereign Base Areas (SBA) and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).
The structure was built in relation to another piece 'Metehan', which is also a replica of a guard post from the streets of Nicosia. The two structures differ in the methods of construction and the materials used. This reflects the duality of borders, protection & prevention and offensive & defensive.
Materials: Wooden posts, Fabric, Printed Fabric with projection of a map of Cyprus.
Dimensions: 3"5 x 3"5 x 6"5/5"5 (Height)